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Sponsorships and giveaways

We are so happy you like our products and want to be our ambassador, or want our products for contests/giveaways.
However, we can't accept all the request we get, whether it is a request to become part of our ambassador team, or free products for giveaways/contests. 
We will announce new ambassador searches on our instagram account @kasperandlucasdesign.
We've made some guidelines to follow for those interested in becoming an ambassador for our products and for those wanting products for giveaways/contests. 
To get considered as an ambassador:
-  Name and age of the account holder
- What country and city you're from
-Why do you want to be a part of our ambassador team?
- What's in it for Kasper & Lucas Design?
- Name of the social media account products will be displayed on
- Do you have any other sponsors? If yes, which one(s)?
To get considered for giveaways or contests etc.:
-  Name and age of the account holder
- What country and city your from
- Name of the account that'll be responsible for the giveaway/contest
- What's the purpose of the giveaway?
- Will there be more than one sponsor of the giveaway/contest? If yes, list the names of the other sponsors. 
- If possible, share information on your engagement and insights on the given social media account. 
All requests must be emailed to:,
subject: ambassador search OR Products for giveaways/contests. 
Photo: Marije Baan // Moments like this

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